Conversation tips for NCEA subject choice time
We've got some conversation tips to help you support your young person to make the best subject choices for their future career.
NCEA compared with School C and Bursary
How is NCEA different from School Certificate and Bursary qualifications?
Help your young person improve their literacy and numeracy skills
Young people with good literacy and numeracy skills have more career options when they leave school.
Extracurricular activities get learners ready for work
Find out how extracurricular activities develop skills sought after by employers.
The top 5 questions parents have about NCEA
We answer your questions about NCEA and where it can lead your young person.
Didn’t get the NCEA results you wanted?
If you didn’t get the NCEA results you wanted, we’ve got some tips to help you.
myBCITO can help your learners get into the building and construction industry
myBCITO can help teachers get their learners work ready for a career in building and construction.
What to consider about studying by distance
Is studying by distance the right option for your young person? Here's how to support them - even if you don't know anything about their subjects.
8 steps to choosing school subjects
Choosing school subjects can be tricky, but with these eight steps your young person will have them sorted in no time.
Use Subject Matcher to help find your ideal job
With Subject Matcher you can see how the NCEA subjects your young person chooses can influence their possible career path.