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Talking about our jobs in te reo Māori

Two women talking at a picnic table outside in te reo Maori

How to talk about your job in te reo Māori.

You might want to talk about your mahi (job) in te reo Māori when you meet someone new.

We’ve found some useful sentences to get you started.

Where you work

Let’s start with he pātai (a question).

Kei hea koe e mahi ana?

Where do you work?


Kei (organisation) ahau e mahi ana.

I work at (organisation).



Kei Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua ahau e mahi ana.

I work at the Tertiary Education Commission.

What job you do

There is a formal and an informal way to talk about your job.

He aha tō tūranga mahi?

What’s your job?


He (job) taku tūranga mahi.

I work as a (job).

He (job) ahau.

I’m a (job).



He kaihanga tākaro taku tūranga mahi.

I work as a game developer.

He kaihanga tākaro ahau.

I'm a game developer.

Find out more

Curious about your job title in te reo Māori? Check our job profiles:


Thanks to Ian Cormack, director of Taumatua Māori Language Services, for editing te reo Māori in this article.


Updated 15 Aug 2023