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Is distance learning right for you?

studying outside distance article final

Studying for a tertiary qualification is a big commitment, so it's important to make sure that the study method you choose is right for you. If you would like to study but are unsure about going to university, distance learning might be a good option. 

What is distance learning?

Distance learning is a way of studying without having to attend in person. Lectures are often broadcast online and assignments are completed by correspondence.

Is distance learning for you?

It's important to think about whether distance learning is the right way of learning for you. It could be the right choice if you are:

  • independent
  • self-motivated
  • able to manage your time well.

What are the benefits of distance learning?

It's flexible

Distance learning means you can study from anywhere and work around your family, work and social commitments.

There's no need to uproot your life

Sometimes the course you're interested in is only offered in a different town or city to where you're living. Distance learning could give you the chance to study the same course from home, with no need to move. 

What courses are offered by distance?

Not all courses are available to study by distance learning. Very hands-on and practical courses are unlikely to be offered remotely. 

Top five tips to make distance learning work for you

Connect with others

You may not be in the same location as other students in your course, but most distance learning courses have online communities you can join. This is a great way to get support from students and your tutors. 

Find the right place to study

Make sure you have a quiet place to study that's free from distractions and has a good internet connection. If you can't find a quiet spot at home, check out your local library.

Make time

It's easy for life to get in the way of studying, so setting aside time for your course is important. Distance learning gives you the flexibility to study at a time that works for you, so create a realistic study plan and stick to it. 

Set goals

Break down your ultimate goal into smaller pieces so that you can see the progress you're making. This will keep you motivated as well as helping you achieve the things you want.

Read, read, read

Getting to know your course material is important as it will give you the basic knowledge to get through the course. It's a good idea to read widely about the subject you're studying too. 

Get in touch

Got questions about distance learning and want to talk it over? Get in touch with us for career information and guidance.

  • Call us free on 0800 601 301