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Holiday contact hours: You won't be able to call us from 5pm Friday 20th December until 9:30am Wednesday 8 January. You can still email during this time and we'll reply as soon as we can. Ngā mihi o te wā!


Raukawa Paama – plumbing apprentice

Raukawa Paama fixes a bathroom sink

Raukawa Paama talks about her plumbing apprenticeship and why she thinks more women should get into a trade.

5 surprising careers in construction

Two smiling construction workers

Here are five jobs in construction that could change your ideas about the industry.  

Transitioning from school for young people with autism

A young person with autism plays with a fidget spinner

How to help your young person with autism move from school to study or work.

5 ways to move from your contact centre career

Man in call centre smiles at the camera

Technology may cut contact centre careers. Here's how to use your skills for a new career.

Jobs to keep New Zealand beautiful

Apiarist holds honeycomb frame up to camera

Help protect New Zealand's environment with these in-demand jobs.

Ryan finds his place working with water

Infographic with text that says Career Paths: Water treatment operator

Ryan Young started out as a builder but ended up in a different type of hands-on job with the water industry.

Fire lights the way to engineer’s future

Infographic with text that says Career Paths: Fire Engineer

Taking part in a firefighting open day made Angela Fearnley rethink her career options.

How to remove blocks to the career you want

Engineer stands in front of construction site

Solutions to the problems that stop you changing your career.

Get your dream career with the help of a career consultant

A career consultant speaks with a client

Thinking about making changes to your career? Get advice from a qualified career consultant.

New year, new career?

Man thinking about a career change

Learn how to upskill or retrain to get into the career you want.