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Holiday contact hours: You won't be able to call us from 5pm Friday 20th December until 9:30am Wednesday 8 January. You can still email during this time and we'll reply as soon as we can. Ngā mihi o te wā!


How to get a job after prison or a criminal conviction

A new employee and their manager shaking hands

Tips for finding work if you have a criminal record.

5 surprising careers in construction

Two smiling construction workers

Here are five jobs in construction that could change your ideas about the industry.  

Career skills you learn as a parent

A parent working on her laptop with a young child on her lap

Employers value parenting skills.

From parent to worker – how to manage the change

A father looks at a laptop while holding a child on his lap

Tips on how to return to work after time spent parenting.

How to get a job with gaps in your CV

Young man in an office or library searches online for jobs

What to do if you’re applying for a job but have breaks in your paid work.


NCEA compared with School C and Bursary

Teacher and student

How is NCEA different from School Certificate and Bursary qualifications?

Help your young person improve their literacy and numeracy skills

Parents helping children with homework

Young people with good literacy and numeracy skills have more career options when they leave school.

How to ace a video job interview

A businessperson doing a video job interview

Tips on how to prepare for a video interview and get the job.

What to wear to a job interview

Two men face each other in an office. One man looks nervous. There is water and a notepad on the table.

Here's what to wear at any kind of interview.

Transitioning from school for young people with autism

A young person with autism plays with a fidget spinner

How to help your young person with autism move from school to study or work.