Maunga Kura Toi - Bachelor of Māori Art

Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Subject area

Visual Arts and Crafts not elsewhere classified



3 Years

Total student fees


over 3 Years - details

Check out Fees Free to see whether you are eligible for a year of fees-free study or two years industry training. Contact your provider to confirm your study options meet the criteria.

About the course

What can I expect out of this qualification?

He Maunga Kura Toi aims to:

* To produce skilled artists within a kaupapa Toi context(s) who are able to significantly contribute to Toi Māori, te ao Māori, communities, and industries;
* Equip ākonga with excellent understanding and appreciation regarding tikanga and āhuatanga Māori practices for chosen Kaupapa Toi;
* Equip ākonga with excellent understanding, appreciation and awareness of Kaupapa Wānanga | Principle based practice

* To produce artists who hold excellent knowledge, appreciation and understanding of a kaupapa Toi origin(s) as a basis for creative and innovative practice;
* Develop ākonga with knowledge and application of rangahau and analytical skills for chosen Kaupapa Toi;
* Sustain a creative and learning practice that promotes freedom, expansion, liberation, critical thinking development and increased capacity within a kaupapa toi;

* Focus on a specific kaupapa toi
* Equip ākonga with excellent process and technical skills for selected Kaupapa Toi
* Nurture positive attitudes to quality professional and personal development
* To provide opportunities for further education and employment

Key Information for Students

Entry Requirements

Minimum requirements

Be at least 16 years or older at the time enrolment commences; hold NCEA L3 with UE; or hold a L4 qualification in an arts or arts-related field, or hold equivalent to a toi qualification (L2-4); provide a portfolio related to chosen toi specialism

Detailed requirements

See provider website for more details about entry to this qualification.


3 Years

Tuition Fees

Annual Total qualification
Student fees
(what you pay)
$5,275 $15,824
Government tuition subsidy
(what the government pays)
$11,289 $33,867
Total $16,564 $49,691

StudyLink website – information about student loans

A Compulsory Student Services Fee may be charged, see your provider for details.

Student Success


National Graduate Outcomes

Outcomes for students who completed qualifications at the same level and in the same subject area, three years after completion:

Median earnings $41,000
Earnings range $33,000 - $50,000
In employment 61%
In further study 26%
On a benefit 3%

All KIS information is the most recent data available and relates to domestic students only.

Click here for more information about the Key Information for Students

Contact details

Main Campus Office

Phone: (09) 4703555
Fax: (09) 470 3556

Please contact the provider for details of where this qualification is offered.

Where does this information come from?

The Key Information for Students data is compiled by the Tertiary Education Commission based on information provided by tertiary education providers and the Ministry of Education. Remember to check the provider’s website for further details.

NZQA supplies all other information based on material from the provider.

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