Bachelor of Media Design Study field Graphic and Design Studies not elsewhere classified Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location Provider has multiple locations
ADAS Scuba 30m ADAS Occupational Scuba Diver (Micro-credential) Study field Sport and Recreation Activities Qualification type Level 4 Location Provider has multiple locations
ADAS SSBA 30m ADAS Occupational SSBA Diver (Micro-credential) Study field Building not elsewhere classified Qualification type Level 4 Location Provider has multiple locations
ADAS Onshore ROV Pilot (Micro-credential) Study field Building not elsewhere classified Qualification type Level 4 Location Provider has multiple locations
Graduate Diploma in Sales and Marketing Study field Sales and Marketing not elsewhere classified Qualification type Graduate Diploma Level 7 Location Provider has multiple locations
Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Business) (Health) (Hospitality) (Information Technology) Te Pōkairua Taura Mahi Whakahāere(Pākihi) (Hauora) (Manaakitanga) (Hangarau Pārongo) Study field Business and Management not elsewhere classified Qualification type Postgraduate Diploma Level 8 Location Provider has multiple locations
Bachelor of Performing Arts (Management) Study field Organisation Management Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location
New Zealand Certificate in Pork Production (Advanced Husbandry) (Level 4) Study field Animal Husbandry Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location
Master of Creative Practice Study field Creative Arts not elsewhere classified Qualification type Masters Degree Level 9 Location Provider has multiple locations
Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain Logistics Study field Purchasing, Warehousing and Distribution Qualification type Graduate Diploma Level 7 Location Provider has multiple locations